AVE* - Aerospace vehicular equipment.
azimuth (az) - 1. Celestially, the angle at the zenith measured clockwise from true north to the
vertical circle passing through a celestial body. 2. Terrestrially, the same as bearing (which
see) but limited to radar components such as computers and indicators.
AZIMUTH CIRCLE - A navigational instrument used for the determination of the azimuths of
celestial objects and the bearings of terrestrial objects through the employment of sighting
vanes, prisms, and mirrors mounted on a ring formed to fit and rotate about the bezel of a
marine compass, permitting simultaneous viewing of a target and the compass card reading.
ballistic cap - See: false ogive.
ballistic coefficient - The numerical measure of the ability of a missile to overcome air
resistance; it is dependent upon the mass, the diameter, and the configuration.
ballistic missile - Any missile which does not rely upon aerodynamic surfaces to produce lift
and consequent y follows a ballistic trajectory when thrust is terminated. CF: aerodynamic
missile; Guided Missile.
ballistics - The science or art that explains the motion behavior, appearance, or modification
of missiles or other vehicles acted upon by propellants, wind, gravity, temperature, or any
other modifying substance, conditing or force.
ballistic trajectory - The trajectory traced after the propulsive force is terminated and the body
is acted upon only by gravity and aerodynamic drag.
bang-bang control - A control method wherein the corrective control applied to the missile is
always applied to the fill extent of the servo motion arc.
battery inverter accessory power supply (biaps*) - A battery-motor-alternator combination
that supplies electrical power for missile operation.
beam-riding guidance - See: guidance, beam-riding.
bearing - The angle between a reference datum point such as true or magnetic north, and an
object, such as a beacon station, as measured in a clockwise direction from a Guided Missile.
The angle between true north and the object is true bearing; the angle between the magnetic
north and the object is magnetic bearing.