damage volume of a missile - The volume of space which can be effectively hit by a missile
system; determined by the range of the missile and the destructive capability of the warheads
it can carry.
dart configuration - A missile airframe which has the surfaces used for trim and control
attached to the rear portion of the body, and the main lifting surfaces attached to the forward
portion. Cf: canard configuration.
deception, electronic - Radiation or re-radiation of electromagnetic energy in such a way as to
confuse enemy interpretation of information received from their electronic equipment.
deck, motion predictor - A device which predicts, at regulated intervals, the motion of a
missile firing ship or submarine so that the firing can be timed to coincide with a desired
attitude and motion of the vessel.
decoder - A device for translating electrical signals into predetermined functions, as in an
airborne guidance system, which accepts only properly coded guidance and control command
decoy - A countermeasure device which is used to divert a missile or antimissile from its
DEFLECTOR BUST - A conelike device used to divert the exhaust of a ROCKET ENGINE
fired from a vertical position.
deluge collection pond - A basin at a launch site into which water used to cool the flame
deflector is flushed as the Rocket begins its ascent.
deluge system - A water system at missile test stands and launch sites which is used to
inundate the area in case of fire or Propellant spillage.
derivatives, stability - Aerodynamic quantities which express the various forces and moments
acting on an aircraft or missile airframe due to factors other than steady motion.
designator - A device which designates laser energy to a target for laser-seeking ordnance.
destruct - Intentional destruction of a missile or similar vehicle for safety or other reasons
destruct line - A boundary line on each side of a test site downrange course beyond which a
Rocket cannot fly without being destroyed by the range destruct system.