canted nozzles - ROCKET MOTOR nozzles which are set at various angles with respect to the
axis line of a missile vehicle either to improve the stability of the vehicle or to deflect hot
exhaust gases away from the missile air frame.
captive flight - A missile flight test in which the missile, or components of it, are carried on an
aircraft as a means of simulating flight conditions.
captive test - The firing of a missile's ROCKET MOTOR while the vehicle is mounted on a
test stand, to check the performance of thes ystem. Flight conditions cannot be simulated, but
engines usually can be operated up to full thrust. Cf: static testing.
capture - The process by which a missile, after having reached flight velocity, is taken under
control by the guidance system.
carrier rocket - A Rocket vehicle which is used to carry a warhead or payload. In the case of
a Guided Missile, it consists of the ROCKET MOTOR and airframe portion.
celestial azimuth - See: azimuth.
celestial guidance - See: guidance, celestial.
celestial horizon - That great circle of the celestial sphere, formed by the intersection of the
celestial sphere and a plane through the center of the earth and perpendicular to the zenith -
nadir line.
celestial inertial guidance - See: guidance, celestial inertial.
celestial radio tracking - A navigation technique which uses microwave radiations from the
sun, moon, and some stars to determine their positions in relation to the point from which the
observations are being taken.
cep* - Circular error probable.
characteristic exhaust velocity - A descriptive parameter of ROCKET ENGINE performance
measuring the thrust coeffient produced by the chemical reaction of Propellants in the
combustion chamber.
checkout - See: missile checkout
chemical fuel - A fuel that requires an oxidizing agent to produce combustion and the resultant
thrust in a liquid or solid Propellant ROCKET ENGINE. Chemical fuels undergo reactions or
rearrangement of atoms to form different molecules