aeroelastic effects - Structural deformations due to aerodynamic forces. The magnitude of
aeroelastic effects for any particular missile configuration at a particular flight condition will
depend upon: (a) the dynamic pressure, (b) the trim conditions, (c) the structural rigidity, and
(d) normal acceleration.
aeropulse- A propulsive jet device which utilizes air to produce an intermittent thrust as
opposed to the hydropuise, which employs water.
aerothermodynamic duct (athodyd) - See: ENGINE RAM JET.
afterburning - 1. The characteristic of certain ROCKET MOTORS to bum irregularly for
some time after main burning and thrust have ceased. (Also called thrust trailoff.) 2. The
process of fuel injection into and combustion with the exhaust jet of a TURBO-JET ENGINE.
AGE* - Aerospace ground equipment.
agm* - Air-to-ground missile. See: missile, air-to-ground.
aigs* - All-inertial guidance system
alignment station - A concrete structure housing the equipment used to align a missile to its
proper azimuth and to reference the Gyroscope platforms properly.
all-inertial guidance - The guidance of a missile entirely by use of inertial devices.
allowable flutter speed- A speed above maximum expected operation velocity at which flutter
may occur.
amplidyne - A rotary-magnetic or dynamoelectric amplifying device frequently used in
servomechanism and control applications requiring high power gain.
ancillary equipment, Guided Missile - Equipment of a Guided Missile not directly employed
in its operation but necessary for logistics support, preparation for flight or assessment of
target damage; i.e., test equipment and vehicle transport Cf: AGE, AVE, and GSE.
angle of attack - The angle between a fixed reference line of a vehicle and a line in the
direction of the movement of that vehicle.
antenna array - Two or more antennas coupled together.
antimissile missile - A defense missile launched to intercept and destroy other missiles in