cooling, regeneration - The cooling of a part of an engine by the fuel of Propellant being
delivered to the combustion chamber; specifically, the cooling of a ROCKET ENGINE
combustion chamber or nozzle by circulating the fuel or oxidizer, or both, around the part to
be cooled.
cooperative systems (instrumentation) - Systems which require transmission of information
from ground stations during the flight of the missile. Also processing of information by
missile borne equipment and re-transmission of the processed data to the ground stations;
cotar (correlation tracking and ranging) - A passive ranging system which provides missile
position information by computing the angle between the remote ground station antenna and a
missile transmitter, using a phase comparison technique.
countdown - The step-by-step process leading to initiation of missile testing, launching, and
firing, which is peformed in accordance with a predesignated time schedule.
countermeasures (CM*) - The art of employing devices and techniques to impair the
operational effectiveness of enemy activity, such as anti-missile defenses ysterns.
countermeasures, active electronic - Countermeasure devices or techniques, based on the use
of electronic systems, which are of such a nature that their use can be detected by the enemy.
COUNTERMEASURES, CHAFF - Narrow metallic strips which reflect electromagnetic
radiation and that can be dispensed by incoming missile or aircraft to create radar echoes
which confuse enemy radars.
countermeasures, electronic - The use of electronics to reduce the effectiveness of enemy
equipment or tactics which can be affected by electromagnetic radiation.
countermeasures, passive electronic - Electronic countermeasures which are of such a nature
that their use cannot be detected by the enemy.
cruciform configuration - An aerodynamic configuration consisting of identical control and
stabilization surfaces which are located at right angles to each other around the body of a
missile airframe.
crush switch - Contained within the missile, this usually consists of two plates which are
crushed together at impact with the target. This causes switch closure to the arming circuit
and causes the missile explosive train to detonate. Cf: impact switch.
cutoff- The deliberate shutting off of a reaction engine