ACTUATOR, LINEAR, AIR TURBINE DRIVEN - A self-contained power transmitting unit
consisting of an air turbine gear assembly, ball nut and screw assembly, and control valves,
and may include power take-off. The unit is designed to convert air pressure to mechanical
force in the form of linear mechanical movement.
adaption kit- Items, supplied as a kit, needed for the proper installation of a warhead and its
address - In computer applications: an expression, usually numerical, which designates a
particular location in a storage or memory device, or other source or destination information.
aeroballistic missile - A wingless vehicle employing the boost glide and continuous roll
technique for flight at hypersonic speeds through the earth's atmosphere. The trajectory is
ballistic to apogee; after which the vehicle assumes an angle of attack and descends, partly
ballistically and partly through aerodynamic lift, to a pre-set altitude from which it resumes a
ballistic dive to the target.
aerodynamic damping - Resistance to motion of a missile caused by aerodynamic forces
acting on the aerodynamic surfaces at a distance from the center of gravity incident to the
pitching motion of the missile. The component of lateral velocity of such a surface in
combination with the velocity due to the forward speed of the missile produces an angle of
attack which, in itself, provides a restoring moment.
aerodynamic forces - The aerodynamic effects experienced by a missile in flight, which are
functions of ambient atmospheric pressure, flight Mach number, and missile size.
aerodynamic heating - The rise in missile-skin temperature while in flight, due to increasing
air friction.
aerodynamic lifting surfaces - Missile surfaces which produce normal forces to overcome
gravity or to execute a maneuver. Generally of either a double wedge or a modified double
wedge and biconvex cross-sectional profile.
aerodynamic loads - See: aerodynamic forces.
aerodynamic missile - A missile which uses aerodynamic forces to maintain its flight path,
generally employing propulsion guidance and a winged configuration. Cf: ballistic missile;
Guided Missile.
aerodynamic trajectory - A trajectory, or part of a trajectory, in which the missile or vehicle
encounters sufficient air resistance to stabilize its flight or to modify its course significantly
of ballistic trajectory.