chemical pressurization - The use of high-pressure gases, produced by combining a fuel and
an oxidizer or from the decomposition of a substance, to pressurize Propellant tanks in a
Rocket vehicle.
chuffing - (Also called chugging, combustion resonance, or pogo effect. ) The irregular or
intermittent burning of Propellants in a liquid ROCKET ENGINE which creates a low
frequency pressure oscillation parallel to the thrust axis and sometimes produces an irregular
puffing noise.
chugging - See: chuffing.
circular error probable (cep*) - (Also called circular probable error, cpe.) An indicator of the
accuracy of a missile or projectile, used as a factor in determining probable damage to a
target. It is the radius of a circle within which half of the missiles or projectiles are expected
to fall.
closed loop test - The testing of a missile system during which all dynamic elements, such as
aerodynamic controls, aerodynamic characteristics, and guidance subsystems, are actually
used or simulated with all loops closed as the system sustains itself in flight.
cluster - Two or more engines bound together so as to function as one propulsive unit.
CM* - Countermeasures.
cold-flow test - A test of a liquid fueled Rocket without firing, to check the efficiency of the
propulsive subsystem, taking into account the conditioning and flow of Propellants.
cold soak - The exposure of equipment to low temperature for a long period of time.
combustion resonance - See: chuffing.
command destruct - A command control system which destroys a Rocket or missile in flight.
Actuated by the range safety officer whenever the performance of the vehicle indicates a
safety hazard. See: missile destruct system.
command guidance - See: guidance, command.
COMPUTER, DESTINATION PRESET - A computer utilizing electronic control signals for
the development of flight parameters to one or more predetermined locations.
COMPUTER, MISSILE GUIDANCE - A computer utilizing electronic data for the
development of control signals to establish a collision course with an airborne and/or surface