3.6.6 Fast cook-off tests. Fast cook-off tests shall be conducted in
accordance with paragraph 5.1.5 of DOD-STD-2105(NAVY)
3.6.7 Slow cook-off tests Slow cook-off tests shall be conducted in' " .
accordance with paragraph 5.1.6 of DOD-STD-2105(NAVY).
3.7 Self-destruct. Each missile shall be provided with a self-destruct
capabilty unless otherwise approved by the Naval Air Systems Command.
3.8 Propulsion systems" Propulsion systems shall meet the requirements of
3.9 Missile material. "Missile materials (other than fuel,hydraulic oil,
lubricants and materials used in explosive devices) shall be selected in the
following order of precedence:
temperatures below 1000 F.
a. Nonflammable - Will not ignite
b. Self-extinguishing -As defined in test methods 2021 and 2022 of
Federal Specification L-P-406, "Flammability of Plastics."
C. Slow-burning -Burns at a rate of 2 inches per minute or less when
determined in accordance with test methods of ASTM-D 568-77, "Rate of Burning
and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Flexible Plastic in Vertical Position."
3.9.1 Toxic material. Unless specifically approved by the Naval Air Systems
Command, materials shall not be used which might produce harmful, toxic -
effects under various conditions encountered in service, including burning or
smoldering conditions.
3.9.2 Use of magnesium. The use of magnesium shall require prior approval of
Naval Air Systems Command.
3.9.3 Unstable materials. Materials which become unstable and emit corrosive
substances or induce corrosion within an assembly under the contemplated
operating conditions, shall not be used.
3.10 Checkout. Where checkout of missiles is conducted with a solid or
prepackaged liquid propellant rocket motor attached, provisions shall be made
to restrain the missile against the maximum propulsion thrust which could be
developed in the event the motor is inadvertently ignited, unless otherwise
approved by the Naval Air Systems Command.
3.10.1 Checkout station vents. Means shall be provided. at the checkout
station to vent the exhaust from an inadvertently ignited motor to the. outside
atmosphere in such a manner as to minimize the danger of personnel casualties
or fires within the checkout compartment.
3.10.2 Limits of continuity testing. Initiation elements shall not be tested
for continuity of circuit aboard ship.
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