3.11.8 Detection requirements and alarms. Safety devices shall be
incorporated in the stowage area ventilation system to detect and warn
personnel of hazardous gases entering the area.
3.12 Packaging containers. Packaging containers shall be designed to
minimize hazards resulting from abnormal environmental and rough handling
3.12.1 Electrical continuity. Metal containers shall be designed to Assure
that there is electrical continuity from the contents through the package to
an outside ground.
3.12.2 Pressure relief provisions. Pressurized containers shall have a
pressure relief valve. This shall relieve at a pressure differential of 5 psi
and shall be in accordance with specification MIL-V-8712.
This valve must
release at a rate faster than any filling rate possible through the filling
3.12.3 Insert gas requirement. Pressurized containers for liquid fuel rocket
motors shall be pressurized with an inert gas.
3.12.4 Material restrictions. containers for ordnance items designed to be
stowed on board ship shall be constructed on noncombustible materials.
3.12.5 Handling provisions - Lifting rings, eyes, lugs or handles capable of
withstanding prescribed tests shall be provided for lifting loaded containers
weighing over 150 pounds. Lifting eyes installed for lifting major sections
of `the container shall be located to insure a stable lifting configuration?
Lifting rings shall be applied to all containers over 250 pounds; handles .
shall be applied to containers from 151 pounds to 249 pounds. Lifting rings,
eyes, lugs and handles shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-648.
3.12.6 Design factor of safety. General design factors of safety should not
be less than five for lifting devices and three for nonlifting devices based .
on the yield strength of the material used and shall be in accordance with
3.13 Safety manuals and precautions. The safety manual which shall be
provided for each weapon system shall outline the hazards and include all
safety precautions and procedures relative to the missile, launcher and
weapons control system. This requirement shall also apply as follows:
a. All component, subsystem, equipment and maintenance manuals shall-
include pertinent safety precautions and instructions for the safe maintenance
and utilization of such items and equipment.
b. Pilot handbooks and other operational manuals shall include pertinent
safety precautions and instructions.
c. The information shall be clearly identified as a safety precaution,
warning, instruction or procedure. It shall be accompanied by sketches,
illustrations and photographs when necessary for clarity, emphasis and
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