3.3 Detail design features, All safety devices and mechanisms shall be
designed to assure safety during the service life of the missile.
3.3.1 Fuze safety and arming device (S&A). The primary safety device of the
missile warhead shall be the fuze safety and arming device (S&A). The safety
design requirements for the fuze safety and arming device shall comply with
the fuze design criteria of MIL-STD-1316. This device shall also be in
accordance with the System Safety Program requirements of MIL-STD-882. Fail-safe requirement. The S&A device shall be designed to
"fail-safe." Redundancy and reliability requirements. Two arming mechanisms shall
be separately employed within the S&A, each requiring an independent source of
energy. One of these mechanisms shall derive its energy from an environmental
condition generated after missile launch. In combination, these arming
mechanisms shall have a failure rate no greater than one in one million. Mechanical barrier requirement. The S&A explosive train shall
incorporate a mechanical barrier to prevent the transfer of energy along the
train should the train be initiated while the S&A is in the safe condition.
Removal of this barrier shall occur automatically as a function of the arming
sequence after separation of the missile from the launching aircraft and at a
predetermined safe arming distance. This safe arming distance shall be based
on the maximum damage radius of the warhead in the missile system. Electrical circuit status. When the S&A is in the safe condition,
the electrical circuit serving the S&A explosive initiating element shall be
open. Safe position lock requirement. Prior to the initial action to
commence the arming sequence the explosive train barrier shall be positively
locked in the safe position. Indication requirement. The S&A device shall have an indicator to
show its status/condition (safe or arm). Indicator design. The design of the S&A shall incorporate a means of
positively identifying the condition (safe or arm) of the device while it is
assembled in the missile. Either visual inspection (access port, mechanical
indicator, fiberoptic inspection instrument, etc.) Or electrical monitoring is
acceptable. However, if electrical monitoring is used, the monitoring circuit
shall be completely isolated from all firing circuits serving the S&A and
shall in- no way compromise the reliability of the S&A as a means of safing the
warhead. S&A limitation requirement. The S&A device shall not function as a
safing device for any other system, circuit, or electsoexplosive devices in
the missile that would compromise the effectiveness of safing the warhead.
3.3.2 Propulsion system ignition The missile propulsion system igniter(s)
shall meet the requirements of AS 4449 "Safety Requirements for Air Launched
Guided Missiles Target, Drone, Aircrew Escape and Rocket Propulsion System."
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