3.1.3 Provision of warning devices. In cases where it is imposibile through
system design or through the provision of safety devices, to preclude the
occurrence of a hazardous condition, suitable devices shall be provided for
the detection of this hazardous situation and the generation of a warning
3.1.4 Special procedures. In cases where it is impossible to eliminate
certain hazards through the application of design features and where there
exists special Operating procedures which, if followed, will effectively
eliminate the hazards, it shall be the responsibility of the development
activity to identify the hazards and to submit detailed recommendations to the
Naval Air Systems Command as to the minimum procedural requirements necessary
to assure safety of operation.. These detailed recommendations shall in clude
any training considered necessary.
3.2 General safety considerations. An
air-launched missile may be handled-by
various types of personne1 and stored
in depots or ships prior to its use. It
will be attached to the aircraft which
will subject it to launchings,
in-flight environment and landings.
The missile shall be safe to handle
during all periods outlined herein and
during its entire service life with no
degradation of safety.
3.2.1 Weapon system safety. The achievement of safety in weapon systems and
in individual weapon system components shall be a technical objective of the
system development program and in the execution of a System Safety Program in
accordance with MIL-STD-882, and the factors influencing safety shall be given
full consideration during the process of system development. Weapons and
equipment shall be designed to prevent the probability of personnel injuries
and material damage caused by mechanical, electrical, chemical-or-explosive
environments. Safety characteristics and methods shall be designed into the
weapon system to provide safe arming, jettisoning, storage, shipment, handling
and services use. Arming, jettisoning and premature arming preventing locks
and other safety devices shall be incorporated in all weapons and launchers,
and shall be easily identifiable as to their status/position. In addition,
the design of the hardware or components shall preclude the potential of
creating foreign object damage (FOD) as a result of handling, arming or any
normal operational procedure.
3.2.2 Missile contracts and specifications. Specifications and contracts
covering development of weapon systems and components, shall require-explicitly
that safety be provided in accordance with the philosophy expressed in
paragraph 3.2.1. Detail requirements set forth in this document, when
applicable to a specific system, shall be provided for in the specifications
as appropriate.
3.2.3 Maintenance mannuals. All safety information, procedures, instructions,
warnings, precautions, etc., shall be included in maintenance manuals. Safety
bulletins shall be issued to the forces afloat to alert them or. to emphasize
new or existing hazards not included in the maintenance manuals. All safety
information promulgated in this way shall be included in the maintenance
manual when it is revised.
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